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Revista Española de Artroscopia y Cirugía Articular

Asociación Española de Artroscopia (AEA)

Vol. 29. Issue 1. No. 75. January 2022
ISSN online: 2443-9754 (es)
ISSN impreso: 2386-3129 (es)
Vol. 29. Issue 1. No. 75. January 2022
Recibido: 18 December 2021
Aceptado: 19 January 2022
Cover image

Inverted cyclops

Cíclope invertido

Rev Esp Artrosc Cir Articul En. 2022;29(1):81

Knee arthroscopy in which an inverted cyclops lesion is observed. Cyclops lesion consists of a fibrous nodule that forms at the central pivot of the knee following surgeries with an intraarticular approach. The incidence ranges between 1-10% of all knees subjected to anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) ligamentoplasty, though the condition is not always symptomatic. Its most common location is at the tibial origin of the ACL. Only 5 cases involving a femoral origin, as in our case, have been reported in the literature to date.


Knee arthroscopy in which an inverted cyclops lesion is observed. Cyclops lesion consists of a fibrous nodule that forms at the central pivot of the knee following surgeries with an intraarticular approach. The incidence ranges between 1-10% of all knees subjected to anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) ligamentoplasty, though the condition is not always symptomatic. Its most common location is at the tibial origin of the ACL. Only 5 cases involving a femoral origin, as in our case, have been reported in the literature to date.

Cita bibliográfica

Espejo Reina MJ, Espejo Reina A, Espejo Baena AInverted cyclops. Rev Esp Artrosc Cir Articul En. 2022;29(1):81. doi: 10.24129/j.reacae.29175.fs2112042

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